Classroom & Service Projects offer a rich assortment of projects and assignments for classes or individual students.
Unit 6 – Classroom & Service Projects

Local Social Service Agencies
Mohammad comments that in many communities “Mom and Pop” shops are often the first means of social service for people. Is there a “Mom and Pop” shop in your community that also provides support and service for people? Describe it. Interview someone who works or volunteers there to find out how it helps people obtain the services that they need.
Breaking Stereotypes & Building Bridges Through Global Collaboration
You can join with iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) to interact directly with teachers and students throughout its 130-country network, including Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq to support interaction and global collaborative project work with students from around the world. Your class can participate in a web-based project that can help build global understanding. All iEARN projects build bridges, improve education, and make a difference through direct student-to-student interaction in a safe and secure online “Collaboration Centre.” Visit to learn more and register.