Learn More about some of the people, places, and terms used and described within this unit.
Unit 3 – Definitions

Rescue and recovery refers to the period at the World Trade Center site after the attacks of September 11th. On September 12th, the last 2 people were rescued from the site. When it was determined that no other survivors would be found, the site was declared a recovery operation, where workers were dedicated to the recovery of human remains.
“The pile” is one term that firefighters, police, ironworkers, construction workers, and volunteers used when describing the debris that stood up to 70 feet above street level and 7 stories below ground.
“The site” refers to the 16 square acres of the WorldTrade Center site, also referred to by the media as Ground Zero.
First responders are uniformed service workers including firefighters, police officers and emergency medical technicians.
September 11th families’ Association is an organization of families who lost loved ones on 9/11. The membership of several thousand members also includes survivors, local residents, volunteers and first responders.
9/11 Tribute Museum, formerly the Tribute WTC Vicitor Center, is a project of the September 11th Families’ Association. It is a museum dedicated to people sharing their personal experiences of September 11th, the tragic loss and the humanitarian spirit in the aftermath.
The 9/11 community refers to those people directly affected by the attacks, including survivors, first responders, residents of Lower Manhattan, families who lost loved ones and volunteers who came to help.