Classroom & Service Projects offer a rich assortment of projects and assignments for classes or individual students.
Unit 2 – Classroom & Service Projects

Conduct Your Own Oral History
Many other people have used the shock and sadness of traumatic events to motivate them to accomplish an act of public service. Interview someone in your own community that experienced a tragedy or a hard challenge and as a result transformed their life to serve or help others. View the Conducting Oral Histories – Teacher Guide & Student Questions guide for instructions on how to conduct an oral history.
Memory, History & Memorials
Facing History and Ourselves provides inspirational thoughts about how and why people create memorials to commemorate historic and important events. This website will help you to design a memorial to an event or significant person.
Students Make A Difference
To learn about young people who have taken steps to make a difference in their communities and the world at large visit offers many project ideas for how students can get active in their communities, while provides educational projects that individuals and groups can support including how to help other classrooms that are in need.