Unit 5 – Definitions

Afghanistan is a country in South Central Asia, bordered by Pakistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and China. Traditionally and to this day, the country has been largely governed by tribal leaders who resist foreign interference. Since the late 1970s Afghanistan has been in a continuous state of war involving frequent foreign occupation.

Al Qaeda is a global, trans-national, yet stateless, network. It is made up of Islamic extremists. Dedicated to techniques of terrorism, its goal is to attack perceived enemies of Islam.

The Taliban is a violent, extremist Muslim militia that enforces a fundamentalist code of behavior that violates many human rights such as basic education and women’s rights. The Taliban originated in Afghanistan and has moved to other countries.

Terrorism is the use of violence against civilians with the intent to cause fear or panic. Terrorists commit violent acts to bring attention to their cause.

Family Member refers to a person who lost a family member on September 11th.